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Today I will share a new discovery that is changing the lives of thousands of people around the world: hexagonal water!

Hexagonal water was discovered by Dr. Masaru Emoto, recognized as the world’s # 1 water scientist, and author of the New York Times bestsellers “The Hidden Messages in Water” and “The True Power of Water”.

In his studies, Dr. Emoto has proved that people over the age of 45 who drink only hexagonal water have the potential to reverse the effects of aging in their bodies because hexagonal water drastically reduces the #1 cause of aging: inflammation!

If you start drinking hexagonal water, here’s what you should expect:

  • a weight loss of 4-7 pounds per month
  • strengthen your immune system
  • 30 – 50% increase in energy level and overall health
  • a big save on medical expenses as you will get sick less often- drastically reduce the risk of chronic illness like cancer, diabetes or heart disease – a better memory and you’ll live longer!

Natural water that is stored in pools for long periods of time, then transported for hundreds of miles and processed… to become “safe” for drinking, eventually turns into “dead” water, that has no minerals and no energy.

Tap water and bottled water must then be restructured and revitalized by your body in order to be used… and this process uses a lot of your body’s energy resources!

In one of their studies in which they reveal how the quality of water influences the body they explain that…

“The most important feature of living water is its perfect hexagonal structure!”

Take a look at the images below made under a microscope…

You can clearly see the difference between “dead” and “living” water in terms of their molecular structure!

Dead” water (left), the kind of water 99% of the people in the Western world are drinking daily, it’s made from large pentagonal molecular clusters, which remain disordered even when the water begins to freeze.This dead water makes your body use a lot of energy in order to process and use it.”Living” water (right) – has crystalline, hexagonal clusters, even in its liquid form, and they become more and more evident as the water approaches the freezing point.According to their studies, “living” water, resembles perfectly, in terms of its molecular structure, to the water found inside and around the cells of your body…Thus, it is instantly absorbed by your cells and re-charges your vitality and increases oxygen supply in your cells, helping your body regain its natural balance.These same studies reveal that…”The Structure of the Water You Are Drinking Can Drastically Influence Your Health!.

By Vortexing or many other means Crystals Sound Frequencies that I will be showing in my next blogs.

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