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Magic in the Molecules Japanese entrepreneur, photographer, and author Dr. Masaru Emoto (1943–2014) wrote several books on the structure of water molecules and how they are changed and affected by location, the human mind, and negative and positive energy. To demonstrate that vibrations and various types of energy could affect it, he subjected water to different types of music and recorded how the structure of the water molecules changed when exposed to classical music and then to rock and roll. He also compared the crystalline structure of water from many different locations, comparing and contrasting water from places like holy wells and sacred sites with water from places that were polluted by pesticides and other substances and considered unsanitary.Using a very powerful microscope in a very cold room, along with high-speed photography, Emoto photographed newly formed crystals of frozen water samples drawn from different locations and subjected to different sound waves, music, and words. He found that the crystals of water drawn from one area were often vastly different from the crystals of water drawn from another. He also found that classical music produced beautiful crystals, while heavy rock and metal music produced crystals with scrambled circular patterns. Water taken from polluted areas would either not crystallize at all, or crystallize into distorted, misshapen forms. Next, he began experimenting with language, using words like “love,” “hate,” “thank you,” and “you fool” and photographing the results. He found significant differences in the water crystals produced. This led him to form the hypothesis that molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings. He also studied the effects of prayer, ritual, and blessings, and found that they too changed the character of the water. Although his theory is controversial and has been attacked by many skeptics, Emoto has documented his work with hundreds of photographs and written several books on the subject, including The Hidden Messages in Water, which was a New York Times bestseller. In my opinion, Emoto’s work is ground-breaking and validates our Water Medicinealongwithourresults. When we combine his visual evidence that vibrations, words, thoughts, and locations can vary the molecular structure of water with the reverence that ancient cultures had for water, water deities, and holy wells, we have evidence based in both history and science that water magic works.. Did Emoto simply find, through scientific methods, what our ancient ancestors already knew? We know from Emoto’s work that even the slightest word can create a change in a water molecular’s structure. And we know that how that word is spoken influences the outcome of that change. like creating gemstone elixirs and flower essences by infusing water with the energy and vibrations of our heart and consciousness we create a powerful change in the body. Welcome to the future of Medicine.

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