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What we are never told from the scientific community is that water does a lot more than keep us alive. It is effected by our emotions and also what level of consciousness we are at. Taking in and absorbing the energy around it but also you can dilute water and it will still hold the memory exactly the same. You could say it follows instructions. After learning over 600 healing Modalities I realised I was in my last incarnation cycle 9 and in my past lives I have been every sort of witch doctor shaman and also my myan dreamspell Red resonant Moon she who purefies through water . My highest spiritual self Red Dragon connected directly to the dragon crystiline energy matrix what I learned next was this is my path energy and water for a new healing system as I can minipulate energy and channel by intention any frequency of healing available that’s including what is normally only made by machine like Scalar. When we set the intention with water coming from our hearts to help people heal it does just that but on a different level. By using a healing method for a specific illness it will clear and restructure our DNA for permanent removal of the illnesses with absolutely no side effects whatsoever ever. The combination of energy from plants crystal Herbs Chinese medicine and mushroom medicines the constellations and multidimensional Healing Energy is what goes into my Elixirs and if I feel guided to Quantum Healing Code’s.

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