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Here at The House Of Water we also channel our healing sessions as this way the healing session which would normally be 60M long is taken to a whole different level with out the side effects a normal REIKI session may produce ex stuck emotions being brought to the surface to be released which can cause the client to become more emotional. Each bottle of elixir holds around 500-700 drops and in each one of those drops our elixirs holds the full 60m Reiki session within as it never dilutes, each elixir also lasts approximately 4 weeks so for the price of a healing session £30-£40 you have a elixir that holds 500-700 healing sessions within it that lasts a month with 0 the side effects that works directly into the blood stream and cells and organs. But we take it one step further because was born full consciousness water in all its magic takes on my consciousness and becomes even more intelligent which means what ever is encoded in the energy or in simpler terms what is written in the reiki healing manual that elixir will do ex menopause reiki in the manual states it will stop night sweats so this is what the elixir does ,we have transformed a healing session into a WATER MEDICINE WITH 0 SIDE EFFECTS WHILST REMOVING EMOTIONAL BLOCKAGES IN THE BODY THAT CAUSE ILLNESS AND DISEASE. With each elixir you will stop becoming poorly as much i have not had a cough cold headache anxiety nothing since before the pandemic no vaccinations and neither has my family. This is the MAGIK of WATER.


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