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Many people are now familiar with the importance of the chakra energy centers and the meridians and strange flows to establishing and maintaining optimal physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and well-being on all levels. Less well known are the Nadis, and the chakra energy centers for the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

Energetic Systems Repair helps to clear blocked, stuck, damaged, slow, dense, less-than love, negative, dark energies, patterns, programs, and influences from the chakras, meridians, strange flows, and Nadis. It also works to heal and repair the aura, multidimensional heart, our connection with the universal mind, and the energy systems not only in the physical body but also in the etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies as well.

It helps restore balance, beauty, harmony, and order to the energetic bodies, organs, systems, and the quantum fields, parts, and particles – restoring them back to the optimal health and well-being of the original Creator blueprints. Helps to encourage energetic flow and balance.

Also used with this energy is that of the 13 constellations as they are tired to our body and directly use their energy.


Usage 4X4 daily directly to tounge

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