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This Elixir contains DIAMOND WATER infused with light Code’s and Sound Frequencies

is named as such as it is said to draw energy up from our base chakra. However, I don’t know if its this particular new find or if we are working from a much deeper or higher vibrational place in this day and age, but the pieces I have worked with go much deeper than just the base. I could feel the energy being drawn up from the earth, from deep within the Earth Star Chakra, which is the seat of our soul. This energy moves up through our system, igniting and spinning each chakra as it goes.

This experience can feel quite intense, so be ready for it. Activating our Kundalini energy is said to shift us forward in life and get us moving along our spiritual path. Great to use if we’re stuck on any level or are working through transforming or changing something in our lives. This activation and subsequent connection allows us to work from our spiritual centre, rather than the egoic mind. If we don’t feel that energy being drawn up or it seems sluggish or like its getting stuck, then there are things in our personal life that are holding back our spiritual development and ability to raise vibrations. These need to become our primary focus if we wish to change our lives.

If all of the chakras are balanced and unblocked, we may not feel this rush, but instead, may feel the energy connect directly to the chakra it wants to work on. When I first connected to it, the energy flew straight to above my head, opening my crown like a sonic boom and raced up into the etheric chakras. I could feel it for hours afterwards. It was like my hair was static (even though it wasn’t) and there was a deep, comforting, beautiful pulse in the solar plexus area. I was immediately drawn to a piece that almost looks like a wand and know this will be a working tool, both energetically and for manifestation, for many years to come.


Usage 4X4 daily directly to tounge

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