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This is a Reiki Energy Healing to release trauma from narcissistic abuse.
Stonewalling, gaslighting, belittling comments, contempt, triangulation, abuse etc.

Many people either grew up with narcissistic abuse or had relationships with someone who had such personality traits. Empaths and highly sensitive people are often pulled into such toxic relationship patterns, and many of them do not even notice the severe damage such experiences can cause until it reaches extreme levels of emotional, mental, spiritual or even physical abuse. This Reiki Energy Healing is for everyone who suffered due to this type of abuse and will help you on multiple levels.

Clear all imprints of trauma from the nervous system.
Heal and repair all damage done, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or physical.
Release all implants, cords and hooks that may keep you connected to the abuser, even long after the relationship ended.
Neutralize all false or limiting beliefs about the self that were absorbed or taken on due to the abuse.
Help heal and clear all painful memories.
Release all promises, agreements, contracts and vows with the narcissist.


let me know about your situation, I will be happy to give you spiritual guidance!

This Elixir also contains
Quantum code’s for narcissistic recovery by infusing this energy into water it will clear the energy imprint from your Cellular Memory


Usage 4X4 daily directly to tounge

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