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This is a Scalar Quantum Reiki Course and Attunement

Benefits of Scalar Energy on the Body

Scalar Energy, “ZERO POINT ENERGY” is the predominant energy in the universe, found in the quantum wave, which is a powerful healing energy

Repairs DNA.
Protects cellular DNA from damage by increasing the energy of hydrogen bonds that hold DNA together.
Stimulates cell growth in human immune systems.
Improves cell wall permeability.
Supports communication between cells.
Charges the mitochondria-the energy centre of our cells.
Inhibition of Cancer cells.

This system Does not Take the place of Any Medical Treatment always consult a GP for your Medical Needs and Diagnosis


SCALAR QUANTUM Reiki is among the most effective means of Reiki to improve our quality of life, removing physical causes of many diseases and imbalances in our bodies. scalar quantum Reiki cannot be misused and go well along with other wellness products. Since scalar equally influence our physical body and our higher energy bodies, they improve our well-being and accelerate our spiritual growth dramatically.

It is good to know that they trigger a purification and detoxification process that lasts up to a few weeks and can have some mild side effects, such as headaches, sleeplessness,…This is just a sign that toxins are rapidly leaving your body which is in fact getting healthier! It is good to drink plenty of water during that time.

This energy can also be used to infuse into water in person with your clients or in a distance Energy Healing Session.

Please note this is a simple Manual. 

You will receive

Attunement by Chiball
Certificate of completion and lineage.

If you would like to receive a healing form this energy before you buy please message 

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