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This Elixir is a combination of crystals herbs flowers and Mushroom Medicine including

33 14 871 relief from Scratching

20 06 391 psoriasis

Ethereal Multivitamin Minerals

Skin care Reiki

Meridian flush

Hormone Reiki

Blood Cleanser Reiki..

Our Skin can be effected by any thing from teenage spots. Hormone imbalances hereditary, so this Elixir will help restore and reduce inflammation and imbalances working on different energetic levels..

Always try to use a good Skin cleaning routine, but also be mindful that breakouts can also be triggered by stressful situations.


Taken 4×4 daily directly to tounge.

This Elixir will work directly to the skin problem

But to also remove the energetic blockages that Cause the stress trigger

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