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Have you heard that water can hold thoughts and emotions? When it comes to water, there’s certainly  far more than what we can see.

According to the work of Dr Masaru Emoto, the molecular structure of water is influenced by the words and feelings that are directed towards it. In his studies, Emoto found that water exposed to positive words and intentions formed beautiful, symmetrical crystalline structures when the water was frozen, while water exposed to negative words and intentions formed disorganized, asymmetrical structures. This does not stop there water also is affected by our consciousness and vibration. with each incarnation our consciousness and heart expands going from the first incarnation =first level of consciousness and love the first vibration of the heart 5th incarnation =5d unconditional love and last incarnation 10=7level of consciousness compassion the highest vibration of the heart this is also when you become your highest self with full rembrence of all past lives ,water will react differently to each level because it can take on the level of consciousness, so water effected by full consciousness will become highly advanced . If we add that everything is Energy vibrating at a different rate and energy is information water is a carrier of information we now begin to see how our Elixirs are channelled, western medicine has a frequency and vibration that carries within incarnation on what that medicine can do, being born with a halo means I am full consciousness my higher self being red dragon the crystaline energy matrix I can channel any energy by intention so when channeling western medicine the water becomes full consciousness intelligent water and literally does what exactly what the medicine is meant to do in the body but with 0 side effects it also at the same time clears the body of stagnant energy and trauma that cause illness and disease in the first instance which means you no longer become ill myself have not been poorly since the beginning of the pandemic no coughs colds headache covid no anxiety or stress total body harmony. This is the magic of our water medicine

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