In this exciting new Multidimensional Healing System we will be using the pure Angelic Runes of Heaven.

Using them as Lightcodes to channel as a energy healing Session in person or Distance.

They are many Runes with different healing capabilities.

These Runes are taken from the Shadow Hunter’s books as they were channelled directly from Archangel Michael as  the Nephilim who are the blood line of Archangel Michael and the Titans under Archangel Raziel.

I have been guided by Archangel Michael and Zeus how to use these Runes for the greatest effects.

The Multidimensional system involves the use of a pendulum to determine which dimensions we are working at ex

1st Dimension physical illness we will then use the set of Runes shown by Archangel Michael to heal this illness by using a uv pen directly drawing the Runes to the body of Distance replacement.

These Runes invoke the power of Heaven.

Can be used on any physical illness



Breaks etc.

Your pendulum will show wether the use of light codes or this Multidimensional system.

Be prepared to be amazed at the instant healing effects.

Healings includes



Past lives


Inner child




You can also use the Hologram method.

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