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This Elixir contains Diamond Water encoded with the energy and frequencies of VIOLET ANDARA FLAME REIKI

This Energy is a upgrade from all forms of Violet Flame on the planet

Violet Flame Reiki re-introduces us to the goodness of our own personal power by connecting us with the loving energy of Quan Yin and St. Germain.

The emphasis of Violet Flame Reiki is healing with a pure heart.

The violet flame energy is capable of removing energy from old situations and help us be in the present
It purifies the bodies, chakras and the environment . It removes stress and tension.
It is very good to burn and purify karma and remove negative soul contracts.
It makes us think more positive, and remove negative emotions from our beeings.
When this energy is used frequently, a protective shield is created that protects against any negative emotions belonging to other people and also protects against black magic and psychic attacks.

Not only does it contain a upgrade of the Violet Flame but also the energies and LightCodes of Violet Andara Crystals.

These powerful energies work in synergy with each other and you cannot get this combination upgrade anywhere else on the planet .

Andaras work with your DNA, greatly accelerating your perceptions by calibrating you mostly while you sleep, (Giving you lots of dreams).They work in your Heart and they work wonderfully with your chakras and essence

Andaras Bring Gifts of:

Automatically expand your state of awareness
Increased access to universal knowledge
Activates the ability to channeling
Accelerates the spiritual development process

Creates a bridge between ethereal and physical dimensions
Manifest and create automatically by inserting your intention
into the Andara’s Energy Field

Clears and Balances Chakras Automatically
Builds trust within Automatically
Focuses on Working through the Heart
Raises your frequency of energy to a much higher rate

Andara Crystals are incredible multidimensional beings of light and consciousness in crystalline form.

They hold very high light and frequencies and can assist us in many ways to raise our vibrations and to elevate us from within.

They work with us on many multidimensional levels.

Bring these beautiful beings into your reality to assist raise your vibrations and expand your consciousness.

They are master beings in crystalline form here to assist us transform.

Andaras hold New Earth Codes and Activations.

Andara Violet purple heaven, unconditional love , lemurain, self love , happiness.



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